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Site Redesign

Edmunds relaunched their site for 2017 with the stated goals of making it faster, easier to use, and more engaging. I worked directly with the UX, design, and development teams to craft and test UX copy in pursuit of those goals. After launch, they were met and exceeded.

Customers are about 40% more likely to contact a dealer.

  • 7 day return visitation: +9% from Legacy

  • Home Page bounce rate: +13% over Legacy

  • Model Page (e.g. 2017 Honda CRV): +46% over Legacy

  • Page load time: 3 times as fast as the Legacy

An overall simplification and streamlining of the Edmunds digital presence began with an updated logo and spread throughout the entire ecommerce ecosystem. The content and reviews on which Edmunds' reputation among customers is based on are easily accessible and searchable. And they dovetail, now, with the more transactional facets of the site in a convenient digital harmony. 

Edmunds AR App

Expanding into the world of AR, the Edmunds "Will it Fit" app allows iPhone users to mark out a space in the real world (their garage, or a parking spot, etc.) then view a virtual car in that space. It tells you whether it fits, and if so, how much extra room you have. 



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